CS 687/CS 585/EE 599:
Smart Grid Communications and Energy Efficient Computing (Fall 2015)

Location:   RMB 323 (Robotics & Manufacturing Building)
Time:         TR 3:30 pm -- 4:45 pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Zongming Fei
Office: 227 James F. Hardymon Building
Phone: (859)257-3202
Email: fei@cs.uky.edu

Office hours: TR 1:00 -- 2:00 pm (or by appointment)


We do not have a textbook for this course. We will provide handouts or links for contents covered in class. Some of them will be research papers from most recent conferences and journals on the topic.

Engineering standing for undergraduate students. Enrolled in the College of Engineering for graduate students.


  1. Syllabus
  2. Homework 1
  3. Homework 2
  4. Homework 3
  5. Homework 4

Lecture Slides

  1. Introduction
  2. Scopes (by Prof. Liao from ECE)
  3. Home Area Networks
  4. IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee
  5. 6LoWPAN (based on RFC 4944)
  6. ITU-T G.hn
    The video can be found at HomeGrid Forum with the title "Next Generation Wired Home Networking Standard (ITU-T G.hn)."
  7. Field Area Networks
  8. Power Line Communications
  9. Encoding and Decoding of Convolutional Codes (Viterbi Algorithm)
  10. Wide Area Networks
  11. SONET
  12. WiMAX
  13. SCADA
  14. CIM and UML
  15. Security
  16. DES , RSA , SHA1

Reading List ( under construction )
